Webp converter for media htaccess
Webp converter for media htaccess


So when web browser supports HTTP Accept header with image/webp mime type, set $webpok variable to value of 1 and when cf-cache-status header exists, set $iscf variable to 1 and if doesn't exist set $iscf variable to 0.


When Cloudflare Proxy CDN mode detected, disable Centmin Mod Nginx webP due to Cloudflare cache not supporting HTTP Vary header and when Cloudflare DNS only mode detected or in absence of Cloudflare, enable Centmin Mod Nginx webP. Updated version allows proper compatibility with Cloudflare Proxy and DNS only modes. Within /usr/local/nginx/conf/nf add the following contents ( updated April 2, 2020): for Centmin Mod Nginx servers at /usr/local/nginx/conf/nf, add an includes file within http server context like below: However, if you're using an older version, you'll need to now edit nf i.e. Centmin Mod 123.09beta01 and newer versions already has setup instructed /usr/local/nginx/conf/nf include file in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nf. In order for Nginx to conditionally serve WebP format images to only web browsers that support it, we can setup a conditional Nginx map which inspects the client's web browser Accept Header for WebP mime type. You can read up on benefits of ngx_pagespeed module here. Below guide is for Nginx users who are not using Nginx ngx_pagespeed module which has filters which allow on the fly auto conversion of JPG, PNG and GIF files to WebP format for just web browsers that support it. So for non supported browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Safari, we need to fallback to the standard JPG or PNG format based images. WebP format images are usually much smaller in size than JPG/PNG files (upto 80% smaller) allowing web pages to load faster and are only supported by some web browsers like Google Chrome and Opera. The batch conversion and resizer tool now also has a new option - optimise-webp-nginx mode which allows the below Nginx config syntax to be auto generated by your defined web directory path containing your JPG/PNG and WebP images as well as can auto generate a static html gallery comparing side by side your optimised resized JPG/PNG with your WebP converted image. See forum thread for the WebP conversion details. This page was created to demonstrate how JPG/PNG images converted to WebP format via batch image converter tool can be served conditionally via Nginx web server to web browsers that support WebP image formats.

webp converter for media htaccess

* %1\.(jpe?g|png).webp Ĭan somebody shed some light into this? I am a beginner on htaccess and I know I am not using the correct syntax on this to make it work.Conditionally Serving WebP Images With Nginx Introduction

webp converter for media htaccess

I tried changing the RewriteRule line to this but it didn't work: RewriteRule. I think the problem is in the RewriteRule.

webp converter for media htaccess

Header append Vary Accept env=REDIRECT_accept

webp converter for media htaccess


Instead of changing the extension, my converter added the new extension to the full name of the picture. The snippet is not working because of the name of my webp pictures. I am trying to show webp pictures on my website where there is a jpeg or png picture using LiteSpeed Web Server and an htaccess file.

Webp converter for media htaccess